been dreaming about this a long time, and may take action on it soon. This home would withstand bushfires, if on a hill it would be fine in floods and would be in a non-earthquake location. It could, if closed down (I'm assuming where the solar panels are are sliding walls that close down) it can form it's own ecosystem. I was reading the other day how in the future whole cities may well have
huge domes over them, to
protect from pollution, sun etc., and these would form ecosystems within. I find the scenario horrid, for example they're meant to protect from nuclear bombs and radioactivity, but what happens if a nuclear bomb or air poison occurs WITHIN the dome? I would prefer to be in my own dome in the country somewhere. That of course means I'll also have to have horses in there for transport, chooks for eggs etc. My own self sustainable dome, aka
This house below could easily become one:
with a touch of
Buckminster Fuller Wichita design below - although my man, who is architect trained, ridicules the Wichita design as impractical (eg. the use of metal is too hot) and although it was claimed to be hurricane proof it looks like it may well become a UFO during a hurricane! And I do like the idea of being built into a hill overlooking running water:
And the interior would be 1950's Tiki/Maori/hunting lodge style, but ECO lodge. Sort of like this, which I scanned from one of my 1950s mags (click to view detail):