Years ago Santa's (Saint Nicholas) job delivering presents to the children of Austria, southern Germany, Switzerland, and north Italy was split into good and evil. Santa carried a big book listing which children had behaved and which had been naughty or lazy. Santa would visit homes and always check his list twice.

While Santa delivered presents to children who had behaved, a ghastly evil, ferocious goat-horned human/beast spirit called the Krampus followed him. Krampus was usually dressed in fur with a long red tongue and tail. Naughty or lazy children were shackled then put into Krampus's bag and spirited away into the night to be hurled into the flames of hell, or he threatened to spank them with birch branches and bad dreams. sometimes he would scare the children to death with his evil looks.
So this year make sure you ask children if they've been good this year.....

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