I feel sorry for the man on the moon
because pretty soon we're going to be mining the moon for water , putting solar panel farms on the moon and mining it for mineral resources to power our nasty artificial lifestyles. In all the scifi books I read as a kid I thought the world was going to be invaded by aliens wanting to use our resources, not the other way around. Surely earthlings are not evil? ............. and if earthlings are evil surely we can pick on a planet our own size? LAND RIGHTS FOR THE MOON.
About Me

- Me
- Travelalot, Vic, Qld, Cali, Australia
- Like making old things new again. Enjoy working on a far away big tree/cow farm vs inner city digital stuff and with the NBN that's changing, creative lifestyles and digital content businesses. I have 4 degrees in psychology, media, literature, librarianship, management and business including a business PhD that explored how tech created opportunities in the music sector (as a lead indicator to other content sectors). Am fascinated by how people use digital stuff and emerging uses. Slow living, reject unreal or fast lifestyles, I like to know all about what I eat. Maintaining a professional hatred and boycott of Farcebook. Confused about whether to write in 1st or 3rd person on this site. Love animals and have always had them around - cows, horses, chooks, cats, dogs, sheep, goats, camels, budgies. Met lots of snakes too. Enjoy aesthetic immersion and favourite era is 1940-1959. Music obsessive not impartial to late nights watching bands. blah blah blah
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