Whoooarh! I have several Rev songs and have been a longtime fan of their music. But never seen them live (being too far away in Australia) and their live stuff on YouTube leaves me uninspired (I've subsequently realised it was because all I can find on YouTube are those handheld amateur recordings).
So went along to their show with expectations of a nice night out. Nice. But from the SECOND they started playing it was captivating. There's no fancy stage props, the focus of their show is on the music, despite very nice attire worn by Jim Heath. It was fast, crisp and at the right volume. They did song after song of fast fabulous Gibson guitar sounds. They did 3 songs from each of the first albums up to 4th and then the new one which has a slower country feel, even if the lyrics rail against Hollywood and misinformed artistes who think the Saguaro cactus grows in Texas.
But although the focus of the show was very much on the sound, they did some smooth moves eg: the bass guitarist threw his double bass up in the air and caught it. And it was nice to see the singer looked in fine health, tanned and he even had arm muscles. They came across as a band who have been doing this for 25 years over and over and over and have it down pat, professionals but also they seemed to be having fun given it was the last show of their Australian tour.
Memories of my youth were evoked by mohawks crowdsurfing in the moshpit, but it was all safe and noone was being annoying. My nephew who came along said it was awesome and exceptional. Another friend who went is still raving about it. I think it was the show of the year for me.
About Me

- Me
- Travelalot, Vic, Qld, Cali, Australia
- Like making old things new again. Enjoy working on a far away big tree/cow farm vs inner city digital stuff and with the NBN that's changing, creative lifestyles and digital content businesses. I have 4 degrees in psychology, media, literature, librarianship, management and business including a business PhD that explored how tech created opportunities in the music sector (as a lead indicator to other content sectors). Am fascinated by how people use digital stuff and emerging uses. Slow living, reject unreal or fast lifestyles, I like to know all about what I eat. Maintaining a professional hatred and boycott of Farcebook. Confused about whether to write in 1st or 3rd person on this site. Love animals and have always had them around - cows, horses, chooks, cats, dogs, sheep, goats, camels, budgies. Met lots of snakes too. Enjoy aesthetic immersion and favourite era is 1940-1959. Music obsessive not impartial to late nights watching bands. blah blah blah
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
I'm a long time user of last.fm ( http://www.last.fm/user/MelodyAngel ) and in late November I was looking at the rockabilly interest group on last.fm and saw someone there had posted this:
Oh OK, I hadn't checked coolsville.org out so did so. I later discovered Michael_deluxe (who made that post) is the owner moderator of coolsvile.org.
So, because my interests veer towards rockabilly and I recognised someone on the site I know (even though she isn't rockabilly) I registered to have a look around because that last.fm comment said I should check it out. OK. So I took some care over my profile, used the same pseudonym (Melody von Rock) I use everywhere, answered the questions thoughtfully eg:
(q) what is your dream destination?
(a) hearst castle
etc etc. i wrote a couple of lighthearted silly answers because I wasn't taking it too seriously.
For favourite music I linked to my last.fm page, because it shows the music I listen to. I also linked to this blog even though I'm not active on it, because it too provides more detail on my interests. I uploaded a photo of me that I’ve used across a few sites with no problems, where I’m in one of my favourite frocks - a Shaheen original – in an art deco-ish pose and it doesn’t show my face. The profile asks for age, so I entered a blatant lie (13) that anyone would recognise as a lie.
A quick digression from the story to list 3 points for context:
1. as part of my work couple of years ago I spoke with someone who works for a large Australian social network. She told me that participants use codes to communicate certain things, for example, if someone writes ‘Shawshank redemption’ in the favourite movies section it means they are swingers who want ‘sex with no strings attached’.
2. it's commonly considered impolite to ask a lady her age.
3. I was an 'early adopter' of social networking and learnt from real world experience (1 stalker, 1 hacked computer) how ugly it can be. These days I walk a fine line between protecting my privacy and rarely participate in online spaces. Heck, I even wrote on the site profile that I’m a private person. I'm a longtime participant in one niche music site and as a general rule the longer I'm on a site the more trusting of it I become, and consequently more open about who I am. I was also wary of posting private details on coolsville.org because it's not a 'commonly known' site. I rankled at putting my real age - not because I'm an old duck but because too much accurate personal information on the net is risky, especially on a small site I know nothing about.
So my profile was setup and over the next couple of days (20+21 of Nov) I logged in about 4 times to respond to comments from men (only men – why is that?) on my page, all funny, welcoming and pleasant. One wrote:
"Hi Melody...quite an interesting blog for a 13 year old lol, welcome to Coolsville!
To which my reply included friendly humour, something about how I saw Robert Gordon recently (the writer was a Robert Gordon fan) and something like:
‘a lady never tells her age, and if I’m under 18 there’ll be no rudeness’,
His reply was:
"me, rude? never! you have quite the resume for someone under 18.it just doesnt seem to add up, but ,hey, thats life. right? im glad you liked roberts show. hes my buddy and its always good to hear nice things about him. ciao"
he he he and I thought nothing further of it. Then I didn’t look at my messages or the site for a fortnight, I saw on my phone the headers of 4 friend requests and a message that came through but didn’t read them and just thought ‘low priority, will look at later’.
5Dec I logged in to find something about a rockabilly restaurant in Melbourne that I had seen when registering on the site and saw this:
‘Michael deluxe’ sent a message 29Nov titled ‘hey’:
It's great that you have other pages and want to link to them, but if you only want to be on here to promote your other pages, please don't bother. I'm sure you're older than 13 since one of your other sites say you're 40. Please be honest and fill out your info on here.
On the day I logged on ‘Scatman’ wrote a comment on my profile page:
"hi im sorry but your clearly not a 13yr girl,what are you trying to achieve by saying that,your blog puts you as a very intelligent adult,this site is for cool gals and dudes,dont spoil it!!"
‘Scatman’s profile says “My Turn-Offs: people who say they are rockin and have modern pop bands on thier profiles” (sic their), although he watches X-factor...... So I decided he was a judgmental purist and it wasn't worth a response.
2 hours after the scatman comment, Michael Deluxe sent a message with a header ‘please read’:
After 7 emails I am forced to address this situation. The people on this page all share a common interest. I am not too positive that you share any of these interests, so I am asking you to UPDATE you profile, including your age. You claim to be a teenager, although your blogs so otherwise. I ask that you also use a real photo of yourself, showing your face as the other users have done. If you refuse to do this, I will have to ban you from using coolsville.
What emails? Who? What? I took affront:
(a) I HAD spent time putting my interests on when I signed up, a lot more than others on the site;
(b) Plenty of users on that site didn’t have photos of themselves (not just new profiles but old ones too); and
(c) it’s rude to force someone to supply their age.
I looked at Michael Deluxe’s profile, in it he lists his favourite movie as ‘Shawshank Redemption’. And because I had registered just as a bit of lighthearted fun I felt suddenly uncomfortable, I deleted my profile. In response Michael deluxe put this on my page:
"I asked this person to update her profile with her real age and interests, so she deleted herself. good."
Charming. I then remembered I had also added details of a rockabilly event in the ‘events’ section. A bit awkward… So using the ‘feedback’ function I explained I had deleted my profile because I consider it rude to force a lady to disclose her age, and politely asked if he could also delete the event, which was still on there with my avatar attached. I was polite despite the circumstances, and added that if he didn’t I would take further action. The reply from Michael Deluxe was:
Your event was deleted last night, it takes up to 24 hours for deletions to show. As for the other profiles, they have uploaded photos of themselves, just not as a main picture. The one who have not, I emailed along with you. You're going to "take further action"? How so? I own the site, I pay for the site, I run the site, and the terms that YOU agreed to when signing up state that you will provide your real age, a photo, and profile info. you did not follow the rules, so you are history.
I’m history, rejected from coolsville, I am DEFINITELY the least cool person I know. Michael Deluxe, the site moderator wrote: "The people on this page all share a common interest. I am not too positive that you share any of these interests.” He somehow judged I do not have ‘common interests’ with rockabillies hahahahaha……….. well I admit I have no interest in Shawshank Redemption.
For the record:
(a) the site requests that the user supply only basic info and I supplied quite a bit about me and my interests;
(a) the site requests that the user supply only basic info and I supplied quite a bit about me and my interests;
(b) a quick scan of the earliest 30 participants on the site shows no photos on many of them (NO photos, not just ‘no main picture’) eg:
http://www.coolsville.org/members/profile/15 (no photo, no interests);
http://www.coolsville.org/members/profile/2 (photo of a kid wearing a mask);
http://www.coolsville.org/members/profile/28 (no photo, no description);
http://www.coolsville.org/members/profile/34 (no photo and flogging a product)………….
I could go on but have made the point – these people have not been banned. In particular the last profile above is flogging product, but Michael Deluxe, who used last.fm to promote his site, wrote to me:
http://www.coolsville.org/members/profile/34 (no photo and flogging a product)………….
I could go on but have made the point – these people have not been banned. In particular the last profile above is flogging product, but Michael Deluxe, who used last.fm to promote his site, wrote to me:
“if you only want to be on here to promote your other pages, please don't bother.”
Umm, like what other pages am I promoting? I’m not a heavy internet user and definitely don’t flout my blog or last.fm page. So within 2 weeks of next to no activity on a social network I was threatened with being banned. What a load of misdirected crock.
I told some friends about this tale and all had a good chuckle and then thought no further on it. It’s unimportant, despite my ironic pride that I was threatened with banishment on a site for cool people. One (very cool) friend took it seriously and offered advice:
(1) I gather they didn't get your tongue-in-cheek answers. One's sense of humour often isn't shared, or at least doesn't always come across via email with strangers.
(2) The online playground is not worth worrying about.
(3) You're smarter/better than this!
However one friend who has an interest in the site emailed me today, 16 days later, to tell me that on ‘Scatman’s board there is a recent comment by ‘Rockabilly Richie’:
that says “I think they mean iq when they say 13, not their age, lol”. What? I do not know 'Rockabilly Richie' and have no idea what that comment is in relation to, but it's close enough to this issue for me to guess it is about me.
So some clearly are not going to let it rest and are still talking about it two weeks later! Michael Deluxe wrote to me “you are history” but apparently not, they can’t seem to forget me….. I don’t know whether to be flattered or flabbergasted at my new infamy and have certainly never received this treatment before. I pay no attention to IQ, but for the record my IQ qualifies me for mensa.
Assumptions made about me were very wrong and it bordered on online bullying. I still don't understand why supplying my age was so important. But I politely decided to overlook this rudeness and forgot it. Unlike them. Hence why I have detailed it here so I can refer to it later if they continue. I hope their pathetic pack mentality will cease and desist.
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