Whoooarh! I have several Rev songs and have been a longtime fan of their music. But never seen them live (being too far away in Australia) and their live stuff on YouTube leaves me uninspired (I've subsequently realised it was because all I can find on YouTube are those handheld amateur recordings).
So went along to their show with expectations of a nice night out. Nice. But from the SECOND they started playing it was captivating. There's no fancy stage props, the focus of their show is on the music, despite very nice attire worn by Jim Heath. It was fast, crisp and at the right volume. They did song after song of fast fabulous Gibson guitar sounds. They did 3 songs from each of the first albums up to 4th and then the new one which has a slower country feel, even if the lyrics rail against Hollywood and misinformed artistes who think the Saguaro cactus grows in Texas.
But although the focus of the show was very much on the sound, they did some smooth moves eg: the bass guitarist threw his double bass up in the air and caught it. And it was nice to see the singer looked in fine health, tanned and he even had arm muscles. They came across as a band who have been doing this for 25 years over and over and over and have it down pat, professionals but also they seemed to be having fun given it was the last show of their Australian tour.
Memories of my youth were evoked by mohawks crowdsurfing in the moshpit, but it was all safe and noone was being annoying. My nephew who came along said it was awesome and exceptional. Another friend who went is still raving about it. I think it was the show of the year for me.
About Me

- Me
- Travelalot, Vic, Qld, Cali, Australia
- Like making old things new again. Enjoy working on a far away big tree/cow farm vs inner city digital stuff and with the NBN that's changing, creative lifestyles and digital content businesses. I have 4 degrees in psychology, media, literature, librarianship, management and business including a business PhD that explored how tech created opportunities in the music sector (as a lead indicator to other content sectors). Am fascinated by how people use digital stuff and emerging uses. Slow living, reject unreal or fast lifestyles, I like to know all about what I eat. Maintaining a professional hatred and boycott of Farcebook. Confused about whether to write in 1st or 3rd person on this site. Love animals and have always had them around - cows, horses, chooks, cats, dogs, sheep, goats, camels, budgies. Met lots of snakes too. Enjoy aesthetic immersion and favourite era is 1940-1959. Music obsessive not impartial to late nights watching bands. blah blah blah
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