About Me

My photo
Travelalot, Vic, Qld, Cali, Australia
Like making old things new again. Enjoy working on a far away big tree/cow farm vs inner city digital stuff and with the NBN that's changing, creative lifestyles and digital content businesses. I have 4 degrees in psychology, media, literature, librarianship, management and business including a business PhD that explored how tech created opportunities in the music sector (as a lead indicator to other content sectors). Am fascinated by how people use digital stuff and emerging uses. Slow living, reject unreal or fast lifestyles, I like to know all about what I eat. Maintaining a professional hatred and boycott of Farcebook. Confused about whether to write in 1st or 3rd person on this site. Love animals and have always had them around - cows, horses, chooks, cats, dogs, sheep, goats, camels, budgies. Met lots of snakes too. Enjoy aesthetic immersion and favourite era is 1940-1959. Music obsessive not impartial to late nights watching bands. blah blah blah

Monday, April 27, 2009

Homage to Hedy

Hedy Lamarr
an online 'friend' of mine - Lorenzo at http://profile.myspace.com/lorenzowork - has just completed this:

and she's my number one female idol. Strange woman was one of her films, but my favourite would be her film Dishonoured Lady. Hedy had beauty, brains (invented a forerunner to spread spectrum comms technology), anti-fascist, didn't stand for relationships she wasn't happy with, lived life and oh was a movie star too.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

cars I love

Tesla roadster:

Citroen metisse:

Venturi fetish:

and Saab aero:

And why do I love them so much? Apart from their racy looks, they're environmentally happy! More here

But I'm still going to hold onto my volvo p1800 until a solar/battery car is released. By then I hope I might just be able to add solar panels onto the p1800?

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

and the next step for humankind is.....

twittering directly from the brain. I was only joking when I referred to 'brain downloads' recently!

I can understand this app would benefit people who lack movement but if humans are using it simply to twitter I think we need to question the values of humanity! More here

Monday, April 20, 2009

USofA quality journalism

NBC aired this news segment of NBC 10s Jim Taricani interviewing Ann Bruno, a local costume shop owner, who has been accused of cyber harrassment towards a competitor.

Hard hitting, insightful, quality content. Oh yeah......

Not content to view it as an aberration best forgotten, NBC even followed up his hard hitting journalism:
